Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We're wide open / waiting / for the single gust of wind that can carry a dream / into the next place / where nightmares aren't / as frightening as sounds of mourning /  that let you know you'll never see me again / with arms out / false wings, un-hollow, unable to fly / on the single burst of wind that can carry a dream / into the eternal embrace of what lies beneath / where feet once walked / on what is now the opaque sky...

We're wide open / running / away from the concussions of winds that bring fire / when we're already warm / heartbeats rapid and... breath... exhausted / from pulling wrists / of people whose names we've never known / in the same place by different means / paths varied / converge for a moment as a hurricane / who cares not for our beliefs / only that we're in the way...

We're wide open / dying / from the impact of currents against bodies / that cannot be pushed too hard / carried too far / against the limits of skies / beyond which lies no resistance / no life / we're too young to die / still we crumble / as long as we can be walls / preventing the passage of something else / we will be unable to fly / on that single thought of wind / that you once told me you dreamt...


Brian Miller said...

nice...the guy in the vid has great artistry....and i like the lyrics you have provided as well....

PattiKen said...

Something sad about this...

Kristen Haskell said...

I did not find this sad. I found it cyclical like life. It was refreshing, We are wide open, waiting, running, dying. As children I think we wait to be independent of our parents. As Adults we are running to meet and greet what life brings and the end of life we have the grace and experience to greet death. Accompanied by Pachelbel's Canon Nice

Tom said...

nice rendition of an old favorite.
who knew, you're a songwriter...cool

moondustwriter said...

Gosh are you waning on the poetic my friend - hmmm

quite nice mon ami

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